一、原則及标準 Principles and standards:
Students who are available on application will be charged once a semester which falls on the first settlement day. (Request survey will be sent out in May and December, together with the fee information.)
Balance sheet will be turned out by the end of each semester. Parents can get the balance details through monthly fee account.
二、交通(tōng)費退費 Refund:
Since the school bus routes were designed according to students'need, temporary refund is not available unless the student stops taking school bus or decide to stay at school dormitory. The refund will be effective the following month.
Refund is available when school bus doesn't work as schedule such as when it comes to Force Majeure, the national legal and policy factors or temporary cancellation of school activities.
三、 備 注 Remarks:
Written application is required when student's information needs to be changed.
Parents can visit our official school website or contact the Traffic Department and check out the up-to-date school bus route information.
咨詢電話(huà) Telephone:029—6827 5336
投訴電話(huà) Complaints Hotline:029—6827 5333
四、收費标準 Charge Standard:
走讀校車 VIP School Bus:
曲江1線 3,900元/學期
曲江2線 3,900元/學期
曲江3線 3,900元/學期
曲江4線 3,900元/學期
曲江5線 3,900元/學期
曲江6線 3,900元/學期
高(gāo)新1線 4,500元/學期
高(gāo)新2線 4,500元/學期
高(gāo)新3線 4,500元/學期
長(cháng)安線 5,000元/學期
碑蓮線 5,000元/學期
未央線 5,000元/學期
灞未線 5,000元/學期